Red Lanterns, red packets made into buntings, and red chinese garlands were hung around the school at the beginning of Chinese New Year. A school filled of decor shouts for a festive feel and our students were excited as they count the days until our school celebration.
Last February 6, 2020, our kids came to school in their Tang suits, Cheongsams and party clothes. They also brought food to share with their friends. The day was loaded with fun activities prepared by our Chinese New Year Coordinator, Teacher Rose. The event started with a short introduction about the Chinese New Year to explain to our kids everything about this occasion. Each class was also given a chance to showcase their talents in singing and dancing through their class presentations.
The students with the best costume (Chinese clothing) were given an award of Best in Costume. Poppy and Asytar were awarded in the morning classes while Howard and Athena in the afternoon classes. The kids enjoyed also a game which they will get to choose a Chinese treat.
Our kids were able to receive red envelopes or Ang pao with gold chocolate coins inside before the leave the school. Parents came also for our open house after dismissal time.